At Huggegården at SVFK, the artist duo Material Think Space, composed of Louis Alderson-Bythell and Kate Williams, have been experimenting with capturing the unique moments in performances by the use of 3D scanning technology.

At Huggegården at SVFK, the artist duo Material Think Space, composed of Louis Alderson-Bythell and Kate Williams, have been experimenting with capturing the unique moments in performances by the use of 3D scanning technology.
I træværkstedet arbejder billedkunstner Christian Bang Jensen på en serie sokler med CNC-fræsede skrifttegn. Soklerne indgår i udstillingen Epifyt i Cobra-rummet i Lyngby.
Ligesom en epifyt gror på andre planter, finder Christians værker næring i udstillingsrummets loft, som er dekoreret af en række Cobra-kunstnere.