Rasmus Myrup har arbejdet på metal- og træværkstedet med en soloudstilling hos Galleri Nicolai Wallner under titlen, Showing Holes.
Dec. 2024
Projektet er en syntese mellem sårbarhed og beskyttelse udformet i mødet mellem metal og organiske materialer. Med valsning og hammerformning af aluminium kan mødet med blødere organiske materialer, som træer og blomster åbne for en dialog om, hvor meget eller hvor lidt vi skal beskytte os mod den omverden, vi længes efter at være forbundet til, men dog kan såres af.
Af udstillingsteksten kan man læse følgende om Myrups proces:
“Through the process of hammer-forming aluminium, Myrup mirrors the arduous, painful effort involved in constructing haute couture protection, like the underwear armor for Armor Stand. These aluminium pieces are shaped through repetitive hammer hits, leaving visible traces of the artist’s hand. The resulting works, marked by the artist’s labour, become tangible representations of the struggle to shield oneself from harm, constructing it with literal blows from “within”. Yet the aluminium, fragile and easily pierced by a sword or social interaction, offers only an illusion of safety, reminding us that our defenses are rarely as strong as we imagine. This, and all armor, is permeable. Myrup’s sculptures echo our coexisting longing to fully encase ourselves and the human need to still be showing holes.” Galleri Nicolai Wallner.