Welcome to the Danish Art Workshops
The Danish Art Workshops (SVFK) is an institution under the Danish Ministry of Culture, whose purpose it is to provide working facilities for particularly demanding art works.
At the SVFK it is possible for artists to do work in large formats, which their own studios or equipment cannot facilitate. Artists, designers, craftspeople, and restorers can work here on projects in art and design at the highest level.
What's on
Terra Mare
16 August – 15 September 2024
Malene Nors Tardrup has created a series of photographic works that take the audience down to the depths of the sea and give an illusion of what might be hiding on the seabed. The viewer is presented with a story about strange organisms and evolutionary mechanisms and basically points to notions of life just below the surface and far down in the fascinating underwater world.
SVFK on Instagram
Latest news from the workshops and projects within Fine Arts, Design and Crafts.
We encourage you to search information about specific artistic techniques and materials in current and former projects within the fields of visual arts and crafts, design, and preservation. In this database we feature the artistic working process rather than the outcome in order to focus on the services we provide.
Tina Maria Nielsen: Keep up the Attitude
Tina Maria Nielsen har arbejdet i Frederiksholms Atelier samt på metal- og træværkstedet for at producere værker til en kommende soloudstilling på Kunsthal Sophienholm til efterår / vinter 2024. Udstillingen fremviser skulpturen som genre og proces i et overordnet tema om moderskab og musen som fænomen, og den særlige udsatte position, det er at stille sig til skue.
Mikkel Ørsted: Farming Fire
I Turboladen har Mikkel Ørsted arbejdet på malerier og skulpturer til sin kommende soloudstilling Farming Fire ved Viborg Kunsthal, som åbner 19. september 2024.
Jacob Stangerup: Mascotte
Jacob Stangerup har i metalværkstedet arbejdet på seks skulpturer i stål, skåret fra en stålplade efter trækuls-tegninger. Hver skulptur er sammensat af flere ståldele, der monteres på hinanden med gevind, så de sammensat udgør en korslignende konstruktion. Mønter og søm modelleret i voks og dernæst støbt i bronze, indgår også i hver korskonstruktion.