To specify the purpose and value of a residency at The Danish Art Workshops we kindly ask you to apply within one of these two programs: Development or Production.
May ’19
This means that you must clarify whether your project concerns artistic development / research to experiment and immerse yourself in artistic processes, or if it’s about artistic production for exhibition or other official purpose.
All professionals can apply for a residency in one of the two following programs:
Projects deriving from material based, artistic development / research including material research, prototype production or other kinds of “work in process”. Projects that resemble research, exploration, and innovation. The purpose of the project must be well described.
Projects, that focus on production and completion of works for exhibition, decoration etc. It may be single works or a full exhibition. Projects targeted a public review in- or outside of Denmark.
A Part of the Ecosystem within Visual Art and Design
The Danish Art Workshops contribute to the field of art and culture in Denmark by providing professionals with a unique platform for artistic development and production. With a broad knowledge of artistic techniques and materials, fully equipped workshops, and unique production facilities we offer the most professional conditions for developing large scale and/or demanding projects. When dividing the application procedure in two programs we assure that the most demanding projects can be carried through in a professional environment with unique workshop- and production facilities.
All professionals no matter work field can apply for residency.
For questions regarding the new application procedure, please contact our Director Frederik Hardvendel, phone: +45 91 34 69 30, e-mail: frederik@svfk.dk