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Sammen med flere centrale aktører inden for design og kunsthåndværk vil Statens Værksteder for Kunst for første gang d. 14. januar 2016 stå som vært for en festlig og faglig konference af international karakter.

MANIFESTA er navnet på denne årligt tilbagevendende begivenhed, som under festlige, men højtidelige rammer, vil bringe branchen sammen ved at sætte nogle af tidens mest forandringsskabende designprofessionelle i stævne.

Kickstart det nye år med MANIFESTA, som i 2016 vil have fokus på temaet
Change | Maker. Vi præsenterer tre internationale designeksperter, som hver især vil behandle temaet ud fra deres unikke ståsted som teoretiker/kritiker eller som udøvende i branchen. Gammel Dok Pakhus vil danne en naturlig ramme omkring arrangementet i kraft af sin funktion som værkstedshus, hvor ny kunst, design og kunsthåndværk udvikles dagligt.

Årets oplægsholdere er:

Julia Lohmann – designer
Designer og forsker, Julia Lohmann, undersøger og kritiserer de etiske og materielle værdisystemer, som ligger til grund for vores forhold til flora og fauna. Julia underviser i design ved Hamborg Universitet, og i sin talk vil hun kombinere sin forskning med sin egen London-baserede designpraksis

Bradley Quinn – forfatter, forsker og strategisk rådgiver i modeindustrien
Bradley Quinn er ekspert i bæredygtig teknologi og upcoming trends i tekstilbranchen. Hans videnskabelige arbejde introducerer nye avancerede materialer, produkter og koncepter til modeindustrien.
Bradley har sin egen konsulentpraksis og samarbejder om forskningsbaserede projekter med laboratorier og videnskabelige afdelinger verden over. Han har skrevet 15 bøger om fremtidens design, mode og tekstilindustrien.

Alice Rawsthorn – designskribent og kritiker
Alice Rawsthorn skriver om design i New York Times, og hendes viden om feltet udbredes milevidt i hele den vestlige verden. Hun er desuden klummeskribent for Frieze Magazine og forfatter til den anmelderroste “Hello World: Where Design Meets Life”, som undersøger designs indflydelse på vores liv i fortiden, nutiden og fremtiden.

MANIFESTA er initieret af Statens Kunstfonds Projektstøtteudvalg for Kunsthåndværk og Design og realiseres som et samarbejde mellem Design Denmark, Dansk Design Center, Danske Kunsthåndværkere og Designere, Dansk Mode & Textil og Statens Værksteder for Kunst.

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In collaboration with a number of the key organizations within the Danish design and crafts industry, the Danish Art Workshops will host a professional and festive conference in January 2016.

The conference MANIFESTA 2016 will address important issues to the design world, and present leading speakers in the field of design and crafts.

The launch in 2016 of the MANIFESTA conference will introduce an overall theme based on the concept of change making.
Throughout all times we’ve seen great examples of the implementation of new technologies, business models, products etc., which have created enlightenment and added new meaning. The will and need to create change is crucial, not least when it comes to design. We would like to pay a tribute to the people who see change as a possibility, not as an obstacle. The theme will identify some of the significant changes we see in the design area today, unfolded by three insightful experts.

Our three experts are all operating in the field of design and crafts and will convey different perspectives upon the issue of change making:

Julia Lohmann by © Petr KrejciV&A_CROP

Julia Lohmann – Designer (Photo by Petr Krejci / V&A)
German‐born designer and researcher Julia Lohmann investigates and critiques the ethical and material value systems underpinning our relationship with flora and fauna. She is a Professor of Design at the University of Fine Arts, Hamburg (HFBK) and during her talk she directs her London‐based design practice.



Bradley Quinn – Author, academic and fashion industry strategist (Photo by Letizia Francine Naldi)
Bradley Quinn is an expert on wearable technology and emerging trends. His work introduces fashion and sportswear brands to advanced materials, new product types and long‐ranging concepts. Bradley directs his own consultancy and carries out research projects with laboratories and institutes around the world. He has written 15 books about the future of design, fashion and textile.



Alice Rawsthorn – Design critique and columnist (Photo by Michael Leckie)
Alice Rawsthorn writes about design in the International New York Times, which syndicates her columns worldwide. She is a columnist for Frieze magazine, and the author of the critically acclaimed book “Hello World: Where Design Meets Life”, which explores design’s impact on our lives: past, present and future.    Based in London, Alice is chair of trustees of Chisenhale Gallery and the contemporary dance group Michael Clark Company, as well as a trustee of the Whitechapel Gallery.  She was awarded an OBE in 2014 for services to design and the arts.

Initiated by the Committee for Crafts and Design Project Funding – The Danish Arts Foundation, MANIFESTA is arranged as a collaboration between Design Denmark, Danish Design Center, Danish Crafts & Design Association, Danish Fashion & Textile, and The Danish Art Workshops.

Go to the Manifesta website to register

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