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Brief info

Danmark, 1962

With an artistic starting point in weaving, I strive to create art-works that provide beauty and enrich people’s daily lives, while being functional at the same time. Some art-works are concrete utensils, others are conceptual.

The goal is, through the works, to contribute to the joy of daily life, our coexistence with each other, nature and the universe – and equally to create awareness around the different spaces, the works create, and the context they are perceived in.

Projekter af

Matt McConnell og Pia Jensen mødte hinanden i 2017 på en rejse til de Forenede Arabiske Emirater i 2017. De deltog begge som kunstnere på den 20. udgave af Sharjah Islamic Arts Festival sammen med 42 andre kunstnere fra 31 lande – alle med store, stedspecifikke… Læs mere

Matt McConnell and Pia Jensen met in the United Arab Emirates in 2017, where they were both selected as featured artists in the 20th edition Sharjah Islamic Arts Festival, along with 42 artists from 31 countries, all of whom had created large site-specific works.

Pia Jensen har stillet sig selv den udfordring at skabe et rum, som er ét hele og udvikle svar på, hvordan hun forbinder sin rummelige erfaring og tekstile baggrund med nye udtryk i andre materialer. Hendes mål er at skabe en udstilling, der viser værker,… Læs mere