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Brief info

f. 1981, UK & 1980, DK

Ben Clement and Sebastian de la Cour (1981, UK & 1980, DK) work together as the artist duo benandsebastian. They see their artistic output as a way of exploring the potential of doubt within material culture.

Their work takes the form of an ongoing conversation around gaps and paradoxes in systems of thinking, materialized in constellations of artefacts, architectural fragments and institutional furniture. One example of this is their ongoing work, Museum of Nothing, which exists as a series of parasitical departments installed in host institutions: most recently Department of Voids, at the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa and at Den Frie Centre of Contemporary Art in Copenhagen.

Projekter af

In the Wood Workshop the artist duo, benandsebastian, has been working on a permanent piece of public artwork, commissioned for the Court of Aarhus (DK).

Benandsebastian arbejder på en udstilling til Designmuseum Danmark og til Trapholt. Udstillingens titel ‘Phantom Limbs’ henviser til et psykisk fænomen, hvor patienters oplevelse af at kunne føle deres amputerede lemmer ofte beskrives som dybt foruroligende, men samtidig afgørende for at kunne lære at bruge kunstige… Læs mere

“benandsebastian” skal under opholdet på Statens Værksteder producere et værk til udstillingen ‘KURS:Torvet’ på Museet for Samtidskunst i Roskilde, som indgår i et samarbejde med Kunstmuseerne i Region Sjælland. Udstillingen åbner den 5. september 2009. Med torvet i centrum vil Museet for Samtidskunst undersøge, hvordan… Læs mere