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Udstilling Foyer: Jacob Remin
juni 30, 2023 15:00 - juli 30, 2023 17:00
Triptychon #2
Den 30. juni – 30. juli 2023
Man – fre kl. 9:00 – 16:00
Triptychon #2 er en digital altertavle kommisioneret til Sankt Nikolai Kirke i Holbæk. Værket var i foråret 2023 installeret som altertavle, mens kirkens maleri “Kristus velsigner et lille barn” af Carl Bloch var udlånt til SMK.
Triptychon #2 består af 32 mikrocomputere, hver med 14 klare, hvide LED dioder, monteret på 3 paneler. Generative algoritmer i samspil skaber evigt skiftende lysmønstre, i meditative temperamenter. De 32 mikrocomputere er specialkonstruerede af guldbelagte printplader og er netværksforbundne med CAT-6 ethernetkabler. Al styringselektronik eksponeres og indgår som et æstetisk grundelement i værket.
Værket italesætter algoritmen i en uvant ramme: Kirkens rum. Triptychon #2 faciliterer en dialog omkring det digitale og det spirituelle uden at placere nogen af delene i et hieraki eller i opposition, men som noget der flyder igennem alt.
Det elektroniske kredsløb og kodestrukturen baserer sig på to af Remins tidligere installationer: Cloud Array og Skyen, og Triptychon #2 er dermed det tredje i en familie af printpladebaserede dynamiske lysinstallationer. Alle tre installationer er blevet udviklet og produceret på Statens Værksteder for Kunst.
Remins praksis tager udgangspunkt i teknologi som social konstruktion, politisk magt og aktivistisk værktøj. Han arbejder aktivt for at nedbryde hierarkier mellem kunst og videnskab og afsøger forskellige tiders og kulturers forståelser af samme. Remins værker kan betragtes som alternative rum til skabelse af forbindelse og fællesskaber. De er konkrete eksempler på alternative fremtider uden for mainstream internettets begrænsende bånd.
Fernisering d. 30. juni 2023 kl. 15:00 – 17:00 i Strandgade 27B, Christianshavn.
Se mere om Jacob Remin
Triptychon #2
30 June – 30 July 2023
Mon – Fri, 9am – 4pm
Triptych #2 is a digital altarpiece commissioned for Saint Nikolai Church in Holbæk. The work was installed as an altarpiece in the spring of 2023, while the church’s painting “Christ blesses a little child” by Carl Bloch was on loan to SMK.
Triptych #2 consists of 32 microcomputers, each with 14 clear, white LED diodes, mounted on 3 panels. Generative algorithms in interaction create ever-changing light patterns, in meditative temperaments. The 32 microcomputers are specially constructed from gold-plated printed circuit boards and are networked with CAT-6 ethernet cables. All control electronics are exposed and are included as a basic aesthetic element in the work.
The piece articulates the algorithm in an unfamiliar setting: the church space. Triptych #2 facilitates a dialogue around the digital and the spiritual without placing any of the parts in a hierarchy or in opposition, but as something that flows through everything.
The electronic circuit and code structure are based on two of Remin’s previous installations: Cloud Array and The Cloud, and Triptychon #2 is thus the third in a family of printed circuit board-based dynamic light installations. All three installations have been developed and produced at the Danish Art Workshops.
Remin’s practice is based on technology as social construction, political power and activist tool. He works actively to break down hierarchies between art and science and examines different times and cultures’ understandings of the same. Remin’s works can be considered alternative spaces for creating connections and communities. They are concrete examples of alternative futures outside the restrictive bonds of the mainstream internet.
We open the exhibition on 30 June 2023, 3-5pm in Strandgade 27B, Christianshavn.
See more about Jacob Remin