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Næste ansøgningsfrist: 5. maj 2025 kl. 24:00

Begivenheder for marts 21 - april 16, 2023

Udstilling Foyer: Christine Overvad Hansen

Statens Værksteder for Kunst Strandgade 27B, København K, Danmark

Christine Overvad Hansens udstilling Admin tager afsæt i den græske mytologi og myten om de tre "moirer" - betegnelsen for skæbnegudinderne: Clotho, Lachesis og Atropos. De tre gudinder spinder, udmåler og klipper i menneskenes livstråd og udfolder indirekte et narrativ om den magtposition, der ligger i at være hinandens livsvidner.

Exhibition Foyer: Ole Christian van Huizen

Statens Værksteder for Kunst Strandgade 27B, København K, Danmark

This exhibition is inspired by ordinary items such as a plastic bag or a pair of gloves, caught in movement or by being randomly placed in the rush of everyday life, revealing a glimpse of sculptural beauty.

Exhibition Foyer: Álla Sinkevich

Statens Værksteder for Kunst Strandgade 27B, København K, Danmark

Quaternary is a project focused on the materiality of wool and its cultural significance, tactile qualities, and sustainable origins. In the project, Álla Sinkevich explores wet felting as a medium with untapped potential for contemporary architectural design and human interaction.

Exhibition Foyer: Pedro Boese

Statens Værksteder for Kunst Strandgade 27B, København K, Danmark

In the graphic print series Parallel, Pedro Boese follows the idea of interpreting a printed work as an object, as a unity of motive, paper and frame. He explores the relationship between the print’s visual space, the space around it and the space between each individual work. What drives him the most, is the potential of colour, its different qualities and its ability to change with interaction.