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Exhibition Foyer: Camilla Thuv

marts 15, 2024 15:00 - april 12, 2024 17:00

Organic Connections

15 March – 12 April 2024

Camilla Thuv works in an abstract form and draws her inspiration from nature and the organic. With an intuitive, aesthetic and non-figurative approach she explores how color, texture and negative space can be manipulated to produce enigmatic and suggestive compositions. She experiments with different printing techniques on a wide range of media such as wood, textile, metal and paper. In recent years, she has had a particular focus on screen printing.

In her search for the abstract in the figurative world, Thuv finds lines and shapes by, for instance studying a photograph that has a special meaning for her. Like a picture of the northern Norwegian nature she grew up in, or an old diagram she inherited. She takes seemingly insignificant lines and shapes out of their original context and gives them meaning in an abstract composite universe.

Thuv is interested in our connection to nature and especially the conditions we face in the encounter with it. She plays with the illusion of our interaction with our surroundings and seeks to create calm, harmony and balance in an otherwise chaotic and changing world.

The three exhibited works in Foyer were produced at the Danish Art Workshops in the summer of 2023. They were part of the exhibition Organic Connections in Kopervik Kulturhus in Norway, September 2023.

Exhibition Opening on 15 March at 3pm-5pm.
Address: Strandgade 27B, 1401 Copenhagen.

Camilla Thuv was born and raised in Lofoten in Norway. She has an education as a designer from Copenhagen, where she currently lives and works as a visual artist.


marts 15, 2024 15:00
april 12, 2024 17:00
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Statens Værksteder for Kunst


Statens Værksteder for Kunst
Strandgade 27B
København K, 1401 Danmark
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