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Brief info

Danmark, 1982

Educated from the Jutland Art Academy, Aarhus in 2008 and from the California Institute of the Arts, Los Angeles, where he received his MFA in 2010. Røhling understands his own praxis as a self-passage and argues that artistic practice works as a phantom limb among other bodies of knowledge. His video installations and sculptural works often revolves around this paradoxical self-concept and how it informs art’s interaction with the surrounding world and vice versa. More recently Røhling has worked with with tropes from the art historical canon, such as male eccentricity and male virtuosity, and how they relate to current political themes such as male anxiety and -crisis.

Rasmus has previously exhibited at Artist Space (US), Den Frie Udstillingsbygning (DK), Museum Fur Gegenwartskunst Basel (CH), Skovsnogen Deep Forrest Art Land (DK), Primer, (DK), Sismografo (PT) and SixtyEight Art Institute, (DK) among others

Projekter af

Værket er et forsøg på at akkumulere en række af de forestillinger og klicheer, der udgør/hjemsøger billedkunst som kollektiv kulturel forestilling. Jeg er interesseret i, hvordan virtuositet, både som handling og som udøver/beskuer-situation og ikon, til stadighed udgør så væsentlig en rolle, når det kommer… Læs mere