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Brief info

Danmark, 1987

Jóhan Martin Christiansen is a visual artist from the Faroe Islands and is currently working and living in Copenhagen, Denmark. He holds an MFA in Visual Arts from Malmö Art Academy (2014) and primarily works with sculpture and installations. The pieces come into being in the balance of taking a formal conceptual approach while keeping channels open to the poetic sphere allowing material, matter and meaning to mutate in free interplay. His work deals with subjects such as natural and constructed environments, queer body memory, the baroque, and pop music.

The latest exhibitions include Down North – North Atlantic Triennial at Portland Art Museum, USA, Reykjavik Art Museum, IS & Bildmuseet, SE (group) and You are a flower, and in the winter, I miss U at Heerz Tooya, Bulgaria (solo). Christiansen has received honorary grants for his work and working scholarships from the Danish and Faroese Art Foundation amongst others. He has been teaching at the University of the Faroe Islands and at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts. In 2023 he founded the artist run project space Bonne Espérance in Copenhagen.

Projekter af

Jeppe Sleeping er titlen på en ny serie kobbertryk, som Jóhan Martin Christiansen udvikler og arbejder på i det grafiske værksted i perioden 22. april – 27. maj 2024. Serien udstilles i det kunstnerdrevne udstillingssted Bonne Espérance på Vesterbro fra 22. juni 2024.

I grafisk værksted arbejder Jóhan Martin Christiansen med nye kobbertryk til en soloudstilling i Danske Grafikeres Hus, som åbner d. 18. august 2023. På udstillingen præsenteres en serie kobbertryk i de klassiske grafiske teknikker, stregætsning og akvatinte, sammen med en serie nye storskala gips-relieffer.

I atelier Store formater er videoværket Touch Me, Touch Me Gently (arbejdstitel) blevet færdigudviklet og filmet over sommeren 2019.