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Brief info

f. 1974

Eva Tind er en dansk-koreansk forfatter og billedkunstner uddannet fra Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole, der arbejder på tværs af kunstarter. Hun har udstillet skulptur-, lyd-, video- og tekstværker på steder som Statens Museum for Kunst, Louisiana, Den koreanske Pavillon på Venedig Bienalen, Gangwando triennalen og er repræsenteret af Galleri Banja Rathnov og Clausens Kunsthandel.

Eva Tind (born in 1974 in Korea) is a visual artist, filmmaker and writer. She made her debut at Gyldendal in 2009 with the poetry collection ‘Do’ and received the Klaus Rifbjerg debutant prize for poetry from the Danish Academy for the publication.

She exhibited at Tranen in Gentofte in 2014, at the Statens Museum for Art in 2011-12 at the exhibition Life and Death and debuted in 2005 at the spring exhibition at Charlottenborg. In 2025, she was awarded a three-year work grant from the Statens Kunstfond.

Foto: Natascha Rydvald

Projekter af

The Dreams We Sow and Harvest Eva Tind has been working in the small photo studio to collect and produce material for the exhibition ‘The dreams we sow and harvest’. Here she examines time, distance and connection between people, places, history and our present.

Eva Tind arbejder undersøgende i en konstant vekslen mellem litteratur og billedkunst. Hun er optaget af identitetsspørgsmålet og den afstand, der kan være mellem det indre og det ydre blik. Hun undersøger ofte, hvordan kultur, bevidsthed og identitet optræder, når tid, sted, placering, blik, afstand,… Læs mere