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Brief info

Danmark, 1983

Christan Bang Jensen is a visual artst from Denmark and is currently working and living in Copenhagen, Denmark. He holds an MFA in Visual Arts from both Malmö Art Academy (2015) and Funen Art Academy (2014) and primarily works with sculpture and installatons.

His practice often has a focal point in a kind of mystical reality that is pulled through his own filter. This so-called mystical reality is also a reality that plays out in popular culture but also in more obscure areas, such
as esotericism.

His work is infuenced by interests that revolve around mythology, altered states of consciousness, and crafsmanship. The process of creating the artwork and how this provide different opportunites for new embodied knowledge and experiences is a big part of his method.

Projekter af

Portneren er titlen på en skulptur, som Christan Bang Jensen har udført i Lerværkstedet fra den 1.april til 6. juni 2024. Skulpturen er en udsmykningsopgave som installeres på Risingskolen i Odense iaugust 2024.

MDF med fræsede skrifttegn og bronzefigur

I træværkstedet arbejder billedkunstner Christian Bang Jensen på en serie sokler med CNC-fræsede skrifttegn. Soklerne indgår i udstillingen Epifyt i Cobra-rummet i Lyngby. Ligesom en epifyt gror på andre planter, finder Christians værker næring i udstillingsrummets loft, som er dekoreret af en række Cobra-kunstnere.