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Brief info


Master in Design, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Architecture, Design and Conservation, Copenhagen, DK (2017- 2018) (1. part 30 ETCS)

Postgraduate project studies, specialized in printmaking, Royal Institute of Art, Stockholm, SE (2014-15)

Diploma classical painting, Florence Academy of Art, Gothenburg, SE and Florence, IT (2008 -11)

Filmstudies at UCPH, DK. + course in film editing by director Sami Saif, at The Short & Documentary Filmschool K&DF, The Danish Filmstudio, Lyngby, DK (2019)

I work within critical plant studies as a further development of the post-humanist thinking. My work is research-based rooted in a conceptual painting practice oscillating between figurations and abstractions. I rethink the physical environment as virtual by transcribing existing site-specific research data like diagrams and photos into entropic patterns of fractals and supposed mirrorings, combining classical painting technology and the impression of new media.

Projekter af

På grafisk værksted arbejder Anne Louise Blicher med grafiske tryk med anvendelser af flere forskellige teknikker.