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Installation view from  Lanzavecchia+Wai’s exhibition at Il Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2010.

Time to Design – new talent award 2009 was won by designer duo Lanzavecchia + Wai for their project SPAZIALE SERIES: New expressions of skin and structure. 2009 was the starting point for Francesca Lanzavecchia and Hunn Wai into a world of product development, a bucket full of business contacts and a spot on the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2010 in Milan.


By Eva Bjerring, Link UP
New talent award
The designer duo had high expectations when signing up for the award.
“We wanted to create designs that were representative of our philosophy, interest and process. To create something that we could be proud of and show the world. And to follow that up by using this collection to push our studio forwards in terms of exposure and project commissions.“

Something that could not have happened without The Danish Art Workshops.
“It was everything we had hoped for and more. Without the award and support, there would have been no Spaziale Series and we would not have had this collection.”

A long list of thanks
The two designers really appreciated the staff at the workshops as well as their stay in Copenhagen.

“We received the aid we needed especially in the production of the pieces, thanks to the rich knowledge and invaluable skills of the workshop masters.

The design process is never a linear one, and the SVHK staff (The Danish Art Workshop staff, ed.) has been there to support us at every step of our 3-month journey. We are really grateful to have experienced the kindness, passion, knowledge and appreciation for the arts that just emanates from the workshops!

We are truly indebted to them for helping us lay the first foundation stone in the building of our studio”

Milan – the first step
The goal with the Spaziale Series was to introduce the studio Lanzavecchia + Wai to the design world and the marketplace. Participating in the Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2010 was just the first step into that world.

“Milan is THE place to be exposed and we did meet some very nice people and made good contacts. Milan, in some ways, is always a gamble, as in there is no sure “victory”

or “returns” to the effort and monetary investment put into it immediately.

We once heard from a friend that showing in Milan is like throwing a pebble into a pond; it creates ripples that travel far and wide. You are not sure where those ripple ends up!”

Participating in Milan isn’t just putting on a happy face and on with the show. It is hard work and the two designers learned some important things to remember in their push forward.

“The independent designer wears the hats of creator, fabricator, engineer, writer, salesperson, transporter, logistics, business person, marketing, stylist… any aspiring designer should have an idea of the mechanics behind the scenes, on top of his/her position and context in this world.”

Milan was the first big step after winning the award and Lanzavecchia + Wai is now working on a new project and some possible exhibitions in France and hopefully also in South East Asia.

Advice to a coming ‘new talent 2010’
“The Time to Design Award is a great and valuable opportunity for any young design studio, so therefore we would advice that the proposal be communicated efficiently and effectively to the judges, while at the same time being honest and sincere to accurately represent the qualities of the studio.

You have to be committed to producing designs at the highest possible level of quality in all aspects.”

Time to design – new talent award 2010
Time to Design – new talent award is an international design award created in cooperation between The Danish Art Workshops, Normann Copenhagen, Link UP – architects and designers network and the Danish Association of Wood and Furniture Industries. The award is aimed at giving a young talent the chance to develop his or her talent under the best possible conditions.

The prize includes a 3 months stay at The Danish Art Workshops, 50.000 dkr. sponsored by the Danish Association of Wood and Furniture Industries to cover material costs, individual career coaching by OeO and two weeks exhibition at the Normann Copenhagen Flagship Store.

Every one with a flair for design can sign up.

Read more on Time to Design – new talent award 2010.

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