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Let’s Design a Better World!
maj 3, 2016 0:00 - 23:59
Design talk by ion Sørvin from N55
At the Danish Art Workshops
May 3, 2016 at 4:30pm
“In our everyday life we all shape our surroundings with our actions. The decisions we make design and produce our social environment, and affect the things that constitute the man-made environment in general.
To design and produce is to change the world. We can make a conscious decision to try to change the world into a better and more righteous place to be.
We are all designers and we have the power to design and produce a better world.”
ion Sørvin is an internationally acclaimed artist, and a self-proclaimed ‘closet architect’. He works with art as a part of everyday life. He is a well-known local resident of Christianshavn, Copenhagen, and as a co-founder of the Copenhagen-based art collective N55, ion insists on challenging conventional notions of art, design, architecture and politics.
Among some of his most innovative inventions you’ll find the open source system XYZ SPACEFRAME VEHICLES, which is a good example of his creative and alternative way of thinking. It enables people to build their own vehicle for transportation, and is based on a low cost, lightweight, highly durable construction requiring only simple hand-held, non-specialized tools to produce. The XYZ SPACEFRAMES VEHICLES is the basis of a local commercial production of cycles, XYZ CARGO, designed and produced at Christianshavn.
Listen to ion and learn about his ideas of how to design a better world.
If you wish to participate in this event, please send us an e-mail at tilmelding@svfk.dk
About N55
- N55 works with art etc. as a part of everyday life.
- N55 is a platform for people who want to work together, share places to live, economy, and means of production.
- N55 is based both in Copenhagen, and in LAND
- N55 has its own means of production and distribution.
- Manuals for N55 things are published at www.N55.dk and in the N55 periodical.
- N55 productions are implemented in various situations around the world, initiated by N55 or in collaboration with different persons and institutions.
- All N55 works are Open Source provided under the rules of Creative Commons.
- Read more about N55 and check out the XYZ CARGO